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Become Catholic

St. Thomas More Catholic Student Center
820 NE B St.
Pullman, WA 99163

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a program that welcomes into full Communion with the Church persons who:

  • have never been baptized but seek reception into the Catholic faith
  • have been baptized into another Christian denomination but seek reception into the Catholic faith
  • have been baptized in the Catholic faith but have not received one or both of the other Sacraments of Initiation (Confirmation and First Eucharist)
  • have been baptized and fully initiated into the Catholic faith but have been away and seek Reconciliation

OCIA also welcomes those who may not be sure if they want to join the Church yet, but are interested in learning more. The beautiful thing about this program is that no matter what one’s background may be, he or she can find a community of believers who all share a similar love for their faith and for sharing it! Even those of us who have been involved as sponsors and leaders in the program grow and learn more each year.

Classes begin on October 2nd and are held after the 11 AM Mass on Sunday mornings. Please complete this form and one of our campus directors will reach out to you to begin the process.